TRACKING SHOT into bedroom. WIDE SHOT of room, Beth is pictured far right, crying on her bed.
MIDSHOT of Beth crying. Camera pans downward to the photo in her hands.
MIDSHOT and LOW ANGLE of past (Beth receives gift and share a kiss followed by a hug).
CLOSE UP and POINT OF VIEW SHOT of photo being ripped in half.
WIDE SHOT of Beth’s room. An argument takes place.
Back to POINT OF VIEW SHOT of ripped photo falling onto the ground.
LOW ANGLE and MIDSHOT of conversation held between Beth and her boyfriend.
Blurry CLOSE UP of phone on bed.
EXTREME CLOSE UP of photo on wall. Slow zoom out to reveal more photos.
OVER THE SHOULER SHOT, Beth’s arm reaching to a photo on the wall.
Slow zoom in.
Various close ups and point of view shots of photos on wall whereby they are quickly snatched off; right, left, low angle.
POINT OF VIEW SHOT, pan of camera following hand, LOW ANGLE two photos are ripped off, camera pans left and focuses on the scribbling of the photo on the wall.
MIDSHOT of pen dropping onto bed.
CLOSE UP of table, the bottle and the uncrushed pills.
SLOW ZOOM into the tablets until it is out of focus.
MIDSHOT of bottle being opened and substance being poured into bottle.
SLOW ZOOM follows until out of focus yet again.
MIDSHOT of room, Beth grabbing bottle and slamming door shut.
Blackout. Title follows “Behind Closed Doors”
0:06 – pleonastic sound of crying is heard followed by heavy breathing.
0:34 - BETH (looking at her boyfriend)
“Thank you”
“Thank you”
0:37 - *tearing of photo*
0:53 - GEORGE (sitting on the bed)
“Things have just gotten complicated. Your right, it’s over” *handclap*
“Things have just gotten complicated. Your right, it’s over” *handclap*
0:58 Vibration of phone is heard and a blurry image of a blackberry is seen.
Pleonastic sound of heartbeat is played.
Pleonastic sound of heartbeat is played.
1:01 a one-sided phone conversation is heard from a FRIEND“Hey, I just got your text
you sounded serious, are you okay?
Don’t do anything stupid...
Beth, Beth..Beth..Beth?”
you sounded serious, are you okay?
Don’t do anything stupid...
Beth, Beth..Beth..Beth?”
Photos’ being ripped off the wall violently is heard.
1:37 Beth takes pen and scribbles harshly on photo.
2:01 *heartbeat stops*
2:05 Bedroom door is slammed shut and soundtrack begins to fade out.
1. Soundtrack begins (Nitruzz - Strangers) and plays throughout opening. Dark hallway outside of bedroom, midshot of the door being ajar. Sound of crying coming from within. Slow zoom towards door which opens slightly until we see Beth sitting on the bed. Credits appear every several seconds.
2. Midshot of Beth crying whilst looking at a photo of her recent relationship, sniffing. Close up of her face then a pan down to photo.
3. Black and white past, memory of George giving Beth a present. Beth says “thank you” and they embrace.
4. Back to coloured present, close up and point of view shot of Beth holding same photo. Tear falls on it.
5. Black and white past, memory of Beth and George arguing. We do not hear what they are saying. Large arm gestures by George demonstrates anger, but Beth mainly stands still. She throws something at him.
6. Back to coloured present, close up of Beth ripping the photo vertically halfway.
7. Black and white past, memory of both sitting on Beth’s bed. George says “it’s over” and walks out.
8. Back to present with a Sepia tint. Slow zoom out from centre of a picture to a wall full of pictures, Beth’s hand appears in the frame to rip one off quickly. A one-way phone call is heard, Licia says something along the lines of “Beth I just got your text, you sounded serious, don’t do anything stupid. Beth. Beth! Beth? Oh no.” Heartbeat begins. Various sped up shots of Beth snatching pictures.
9. Over the shoulder shot or point of view shot of Beth scribbling over a picture. Low angle shot of the pen falling on the bed.
10. Close up of a bottle with an unknown substance and a sheet of paper will pills. Beth crushes the pills with a hammer-like object.
11. Extreme close up of the paper being used to pour the crushed pills into the bottle.
12. Tracking shot of Beth grabbing the bottle off the table until there is a wide shot of her slamming her door, instant blackout then title appears.