Monday, 11 April 2011

How does your product represent particular social groups?

Our representation would be aimed at our target audience of teenagers, as we can relate to that age group so would be able to create a close replication of reality. Stereotypical teen representation is shown through:

  • The break-up, which happens a lot between teens as they are seen as confrontational (this is shown through Beth and George’s argument).
  • Beth’s crying conforms to the typical view of teenage girls being emotional, whereas the running make-up conforms to their vanity of wanting to look good.

  • The mise-en-scene of the bedroom, where things seem out of place, is representational of how teens are unorganised.  The picture of the pink flower on the wall also conforms to females as the flower symbolises delicacy, and the theme of pink in the bedroom signifies femininity.  Femininity is also portrayed through the furry cushions and patterned duvet cover.

  • The small amount of language used can be categorised as being middle-class, as correct English is said e.g. when Beth says ‘thank you’, so common vulgarity in the lower-class or classiness of the upper-class is not shown.  However, mise-en-scene of the setting and their clothing suggest a working-class background.
  • Beth receiving the necklace represents how girls stereotypically love jewellery.
  • Shots of a Blackberry and the background sound of a one-way phone call represents the sociability of teens, and Blackberries are the latest trend amongst the age group.
  • Our background music has an urban beat and is R&B, representing what teenagers like, so our target audience would enjoy it.

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